FALL 2024: Red Charm Peony Bareroot

FALL 2024: Red Charm Peony Bareroot


This is for 1 peony bareroot.

Cost includes USPS Priority Shipping in Late October

Plant Eyes 1-2" below soil

3/5 eye

Moderate Watering

Full to Partial Sun (8 hours of sun)

2-3 ft Apart from each other

Late Spring to Summer for blooming. It takes 3 yrs to product blooms***

Hardiness Zones 3-8 (check your location thru google before ordering)

Choose a spot where your Peonies will have plenty of room and space them at least 2–3 feet apart.

  • Prepare the soil by digging out excess weeds and working in aged compost or leaf mold (chopped, composted leaves) throughout the top six inches of the planting area.

  • Plant your Peony roots with the tips pointing downwards and the "eyes" or growing points 1/2" to 2" deep. In colder climates, plant on the deep end of this range; in warmer climates, plant them more shallowly.

  • Backfill the hole, taking care that the root is no deeper than 2". Water generously, soaking the soil to eliminate air pockets around the root.

*Peonies can grow in many different types of soil. Well-drained with full sun are the most important.

Due to unknown site conditions (soil, sun, etc) we are not able to warranty bareroots purchased.

Plant Guarantee

We take pride in our peony bareroot by providing you a healthy bareroot with at least 2 eyes. We strive for 3/5 size. Each variety is different and grows at different rates. Free of any plant diseases. We do not assure the bareroot will live and grow for you the way they do for us. There are too many circumstances beyond our control such as soil condition, planting placement, sun, water, how long it was in the container. It is your responsibility to plant following our suggested planting instruction.

*These directions are guidelines but not a guarantee that your plant will survive/perform where you plant it. We urge you to ask us questions for recommendations on how to get the best out of your plant*

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